bias tyre中文什么意思

发音:   用"bias tyre"造句
  • bias:    vt. (biased, biasi ...
  • tyre:    n. 〔印度英语〕凝乳。
  • belted bias tyre:    带束斜交轮胎
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  1. This machine works for shaping double ( three , single ) bead heavy truck bias tyre , in case with digit type turn down , bladder turn up , whiff pull band
  2. Steel wire tyre , bias tyre , natural rubber , butylbenzene tyre , butyronitrile tyre , butyl rubber , polybutadience rubber , epdm rubber and fluororubber can be crushed into rubber powder of 3 - 20 meshes and superfine sbr powder of 25 - 80 meshes
    可将钢丝轮胎、斜胶胎、天然胶、丁苯胶、丁晴胶、丁基胶、顺丁胶、三元乙丙胶、氟橡胶等废旧橡胶粉碎成3 - 20目的胶粉, 25 - 80目的粗细胶粉。


  1. bias truck tire 什么意思
  2. bias truck tyre 什么意思
  3. bias tube 什么意思
  4. bias type tire 什么意思
  5. bias type tyre 什么意思
  6. bias tyre for passenger car 什么意思
  7. bias tyre for truck 什么意思
  8. bias uncertainty 什么意思
  9. bias vlave 什么意思
  10. bias voltage 什么意思


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